For many egg processors today the eggshells are a waste problem due to stricter environmental regulations and pollution control. The shells represent ca 14% of the total egg weight and it is becoming more and more costly to dispose of them.
A processing plant breaking 2.500 cases of shell eggs per day (900.000 eggs) will produce about 7.000 kg of wet centrifuged shells per day containing about 1.200 kg of moisture. This remaining liquid drips from trucks, goes into drains, causes odeurs and attracts flies.
To solve this, a SHELL DRYER has been developed which works simultaneously with the breaking operation.
This system is designed specifically to remove gently the moisture from the eggshells and membranes after they have passed through the Coenraadts centrifuge. Shells and membranes after centrifuging and removal of the inedible liquid will contain about 12-15% moisture. After dehydration the corresponding figure is approximately 1%.
Download the Eggshell Dryers leaflet for further details.